Bartholomeus Breenbergh
(Deventer 1598-1659 Amsterdam)


Landscape with a View of Bomarzo
oil on canvas
38 1/8 by 53 1/8 inch (96.8 by 134.9 cm.)

Circa 1625. A related drawing is in The National Gallery, Washington (inv. 1985.14.1).


Vitale Bloch, dealer, The Hague, 1957

Sale: Dorotheum Vienna, June 21, 1960, lot 15

S. Nystad, The Hague, until 1963

P. van Ommeren, Wassenaar/Lausanne


Dodrecht, Dodrechts Museum, Nederlandse landschappen uit de 17de eeuw,1963, page 21, cat. no. 15, fig. 37

Basel, Kunstmuseum, Im Lichte Hollands. Hollandische Malerei des 17. Jahrhunderts aus den Sammlungen des Fursten von Liechtenstein und aus Schweizer Besitz, June 14-September 27, 1987, cat. no. 23, illus.

New York, Richard L. Feigen & Company, Bartholomeus Breenberg, 1991, pp. VII, 12-15, cat. no. 4, illus. (text by M.G. Roethlisberger)

Tokyo Station Gallery; Kasama Nichido Museum of Art; Kumamoto Prefectural Museum of Art; Leiden, Stedelijk Museum De Lakenhal, Between fantasy and reality. 17th century Dutch Landscape Painting, August 1, 1992 - June 20, 1993, p. 206, cat. no. 64, illus.


H. Gerson, “Dutch Landscapes at Dordrecht”, Burlington Magazine, 105 (1963), p. 462

J. van Nieuwstraten, “Dutch Landscapes at Dordrecht”, Apollo, 19 (1963), page 227

R. Longhi, “Sui precedenti dei vedutisi veneti”, Paragone, 19 (1968), no. 217/37, p. 40, fig. 18

M.G. Roethlisberger, Bartholomaus Breenbergh / Handzeichnungen, 1969, p. 28

J.S. van Regteren Altena, “Rezension von Bartholomeus Breenbergh / Handzeichnungen von Marcel Rothlisberger”, Art Bulletin, 53 (1971), p. 538, fig. 1

A. Blankert, Nederlandse 17e eeuwse Italianiserende Landschapschilders, 1978, pp. 85-86

M.G. Roethlisberger, Bartholomeus Breenbergh / The Paintings, 1981, pp. 8, 15, 43-44, no. 73, illus.

M.R. Waddingham, “Review of Marcel Roethlisberger, Bartholomeus Breenbergh: the Paintings”, Burlington Magazine, 123 (1981), no. 940, p. 426

M. Koolbergen, In de ban van Bomarzo, 1984, pp. 52-53, illus. on p. 54

Adriano Amendola, “Paolo Giordano II Orsini Collecezionista di Disegni. Novità su Paul Bril, Barthomolomeus Breenbergn, Simon Vouet, Francesco Salviati e Altri Antichi Maestri”, Bollettino d’Arte, Serie VII, N. 22-23, April-September 2014,  L’Erma di Bretschneider, Rome, 2015, p. 138, illus. on p. 138


Sir Anthony van Dyck (Antwerp 1599-1641 London) - Portrait of Catherine Murray, Countess Of Dysart